Understanding Linked Lists: A Comprehensive Guide || Graphical Representation of Linked Lists || Abstract Data Type “List” || XML Representation of Lists || Implementation of Lists

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 Linked Lists

A list can involve virtually anything, for example, a list of integers [3, 2, 4, 2, 5], a shopping list [apples, butter, bread, cheese], or a list of web pages each containing a picture and a link to the next web page. When considering lists, we can speak about-them on different levels - on a very abstract level (on which we can define what we mean by a list), on a level on which we can depict lists and communicate as humans about them, on a level on which computers can communicate, or on a machine level in which they can be implemented.


Graphical Representation

Non-empty lists can be represented by two-cells, in each of which the first cell contains a pointer to a list element and the second cell contains a pointer to either the empty list or another two-cell. We can depict a pointer to the empty list by a diagonal bar or cross through the cell. For instance, the list [3, 1, 4, 2, 5] can be represented as:


Graphical Representation of Linked List

Abstract Data Type “List”

On an abstract level , a list can be constructed by the two constructors:

   EmptyList, which gives you the empty list , and

  MakeList(element, list), which puts an element at the top of an existing list. Using those, our last example list can be constructed as

MakeList(3, MakeList(1, MakeList(4, MakeList(2, MakeList(5, EmptyList))))).

and it is clearly possible to construct any list in this way.

This inductive approach to data structure creation is very powerful, and we shall use it many times throughout these notes. It starts with the “base case”, the EmptyList, and then builds up increasingly complex lists by repeatedly applying the “induction step”, the MakeList(element, list) operator.

It is obviously also important to be able to get back the elements of a list, and we no longer have an item index to use like we have with an array. The way to proceed is to note that a list is always constructed from the first element and the rest of the list. So, conversely, from a non-empty list it must always be possible to get the first element and the rest. This can be done using the two selectors, also called accessor methods:

   first(list), and


The selectors will only work for non-empty lists (and give an error or exception on the empty list), so we need a condition which tells us whether a given list is empty:


This will need to be used to check every list before passing it to a selector.

We call everything a list that can be constructed by the constructors EmptyList and MakeList, so that with the selectors first and rest and the condition isEmpty, the following relationships are automatically satisfied (i.e. true):


   not isEmpty(MakeList(x, l)) (for any x and l)

   first(MakeList(x, l)) = x

   rest(MakeList(x, l)) = l

In addition to constructing and getting back the components of lists, one may also wish to destructively change lists. This would be done by so-called mutators which change either the first element or the rest of a non-empty list:

   replaceFirst(x, l)

   replaceRest(r, l)

For instance, with l = [3, 1, 4, 2, 5], applying replaceFirst(9, l) changes l to [9, 1, 4, 2, 5]. and then applying replaceRest([6, 2, 3, 4], l) changes it to [9, 6, 2, 3, 4].

We shall see that the concepts of constructors, selectors and conditions are common to virtually all abstract data types. Throughout these notes, we will be formulating our data representations and algorithms in terms of appropriate definitions of them.

XML Representation

In order to communicate data structures between different computers and possibly different programming languages, XML (eXtensible Markup Language) has become a quasi-standard. The above list could be represented in XML as:








However, there are usually many different ways to represent the same object in XML. For instance, a cell-oriented representation of the above list would be:























While this looks complicated for a simple list, it is not, it is just a bit lengthy. XML is flexible enough to represent and communicate very complicated structures in a uniform way.


Implementation of Lists

There are many different implementations possible for lists, and which one is best will depend on the primitives offered by the programming language being used.

The programming language Lisp and its derivates, for instance, take lists as the most important primitive data structure. In some other languages, it is more natural to implement

lists as arrays. However, that can be problematic because lists are conceptually not limited in size, which means array based implementation with fixed-sized arrays can only approximate the general concept. For many applications, this is not a problem because a maximal number of list members can be determined a priori (e.g., the maximum number of students taking one particular module is limited by the total number of students in the University). More general purpose implementations follow a pointer based approach, which is close to the diagrammatic representation given above. We will not go into the details of all the possible implementations of lists here, but such information is readily available in the standard textbooks.


  • #LinkedLists
  • #DataStructures
  • #ComputerScience
  • #Programming
  • #AbstractDataTypes
  • #GraphicalRepresentation
  • #XML
  • #ListImplementation
  • #Algorithms
  • #CodingTips
  • #TechExplained
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  • #LearnProgramming
  • #CSFundamentals
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