NASA revamps website; streaming platform NASA+ in store

NASA is undergoing a digital transformation, revamping its websites, launching the NASA+ streaming platform, and upgrading its app. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is revamping its websites, adding its first on-demand streaming service and upgrading the NASA app. The beta site is open for early access. Jeff Seaton, Chief Information Officer at the agency’s headquarters in Washington, said, “NASA’s legacy footprint presents an opportunity to dramatically improve the user experience for the public we serve. Modernizing our main websites from a technology standpoint and streamlining how the public engages with our content online are critical first steps in making our agency’s information more accessible, discoverable, and secure.” The space agency added that it will launch a new streaming platform called NASA+ and upgrade the NASA app later this year. According to the statement, the service, ad-free, and zero cost, will provide users with access to the agenc...