
Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior.

Comprehensive Guide to Management and Its Functions Management Management is the art of getting work done through people, ensuring satisfaction for the employer, employees, and the public. It involves the use of resources like men, money, materials, and machines to achieve organizational goals. Management is both an  art  and a  science . While science provides knowledge, art deals with the application of that knowledge and skills. Management is a process that includes  planning, organizing, directing, and controlling  activities to accomplish organizational goals efficiently and effectively. It is an executive function that actively directs human efforts toward common objectives.   Definitions of Management Harold Koontz : "Management is the art of getting things done through and with formally organized groups." Peter F. Drucker : "Management is a multipurpose organ ...

Time vs. Space Complexity in Software Development

Time versus space complexity When creating software for serious applications, there is usually a need to judge how quickly an algorithm or program can complete the given tasks. For example, if you are programming a flight booking system, it will not be considered acceptable if the travel agent and customer have to wait for half an hour for a transaction to complete. It certainly has to be ensured that the waiting time is reasonable for the size of the problem, and normally faster execution is better. We talk about the time complexity of the algorithm as an indicator of how the execution time depends on the size of the data structure. Another important efficiency consideration is how much memory a given program will require for a particular task, though with modern computers this tends to be less of an issue than it used to be. Here we talk about the space complexity as how the memory requirement depends on the size of the data structure. For a...

Understanding Linked Lists: A Comprehensive Guide || Graphical Representation of Linked Lists || Abstract Data Type “List” || XML Representation of Lists || Implementation of Lists

linked lists, data structures, computer science, programming, abstract data types, graphical representation, XML, list implementation, algorithms, coding tips, tech explained, software development, learn programming, CS fundamentals, tech education,linked list in cpp, linked list in cpp,linked list in java,linked list in c, linked list python, linked list leetcode, linked list gfg, linked list in dsa, linked list code, linked list types, linked list definition, linked list time complexity, linked list in data structure   Linked Lists A list can involve virtually anything, for example, a list of integers [3 , 2 , 4 , 2 , 5], a shopping list [apples , butter , bread , cheese], or a list of web pages each containing a picture and a link to the next web page. When considering lists , we can speak about-them on different levels - on a very abstract level (on which we can define what we mean by a list), on a level on which w...